First, we need to get to know pillows inside and out.
What colors go good with a tan couch? Glad you asked! Greens, yellows and browns give a tan couch a natural touch.
How many colors are too many? Well, as long as you’re accessorizing a neutral colored couch (such as a white couch) you can pretty much go all out with your color choices. Of course, they need to tie in the rest of the room so stay away from colors that will clash with your wall color, rug, etc.
How should you use patterns? The same rule of thumb goes for patters as it does for colors. You don’t want pillows that clash with the rest of your décor. Try finding patterned pillows that work well with the other fabrics in your home. Instead of a sea of patterned pillows throw some solid ones in the mix to break things up.
How do you decorate with one color? For those of you who are sticking to one color theme, mix an array of hues. This will make decorating much easier because no two turquoises ever look the same. Mixing hues lets you have fun with your shopping without having to stress about exact color matches.
If you’d like to save some money while accessorizing with pillows consider learning how to sew and make them yourself out of your favorite fabric. You can find affordable fabrics at your local arts and crafts store or shop for fabrics online.